Activated at RAF Alconbury England as the 17th Reconnaissance Wing on 1 October 1982.
The operational squadron of the 17th RW was the 95th Reconnaissance Squadron.
The wing flew tactical and strategic surveillance missions in Western Europe using the TR-1 (U-2R). At Alconbury, the 17th RW received the P. T. Cullen Trophy for providing “the greatest contribution to the intelligence gathering efforts of SAC” in 1989 and 1990.
During 1990–91, many of the wing’s assets and personnel supported operations in Southwest Asia by ferrying aircraft and equipment to Taif, Saudi Arabia. The 17th RW inactivated on 30 June 1991, but its subordinate unit, the 95th Reconnaissance Squadron, remained at Alconbury until 15 September 1993. The U-2Rs were consolidated at Beale AFB California in the 9th Wing.
AMS – Avionics Maintenance Squadron
CAMS – Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
FMS – Field Maintenance Squadron
OMS – Organizational Maintenance Squadron

Operating Location – Crested Harvest (OL-CH) – 1704 RS Provisional
On the 17th August 1990 two U-2’s deployed to King Fahad AB, Taif and these were followed by two TR-1’s from the 17th RECONNAISSANCE WING at RAF ALCONBURY on the 23/08/1990.
In total six U-2’s and six TR-1 were on strength during Desert Shield / Storm flying “OLYMPIC FLARE” Missions which saw aircraft equipped with SYERS, ASARS , IRIS, H-CAM and SENIOR SPAN sensors. On the 21/09/ 90 OL-CH was designated 1704 RS ( Provisional)
RAF Alconbury Air Tattoo Patches